EU, state legislation and gender mainstreaming (Ing. Petr Pavlík, Ph.D.)
Feminism a GLBTQ activism - mutual influences, relations and interactions (doc. Věra Sokolová, M. A., Ph.D.)
Gay Fatherhood, Gay and Lesbian Parenthood (doc. Věra Sokolová, M. A., Ph.D.)
Gender and Science, Women in Science (Ing. Petr Pavlík, Ph.D.)
Gender in Asian literature (doc. PhDr. Blanka Knotková, Ph.D.)
Gender analysis of Czech media (Ing. Petr Pavlík, Ph.D.)
Narratives of Sexual Identity (Mgr. Kateřina Kolářová, Ph.D.)
Heteronormativity and homophobia in Czech society (doc. Věra Sokolová, M. A., Ph.D.)
L'ecriture feminine in modern Bengali literature (doc. PhDr. Blanka Knotková, Ph.D.)
Politics of Equal Opportunities, Gender Audits (Ing. Petr Pavlík, Ph.D.)
Gay and lesbian oral history project (doc. Věra Sokolová, M. A., Ph.D.)
Feminism in religion, ecofeminism, feminist futures and antiwar activism (Dr. Ivy Helman)
Gender and psychology (Dr. Ivy Helman)
Epistemology of Knowledge, Production of Knowledge (Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer, Ph.D)
Queer and femisnist Geography (RNDr. Michal Pitoňák, Ph.D.)
Queer theory, feminism, decolonization, art of marginalized groups (MSc. Denisa Tomková, Ph.D.)
Gender, Religion and Spiritualities
- authors doc. PhDr. Blanka Knotková-Čapková, Ph.D., Mgr. et Mgr. Tereza Jiroutová Kynčlová, Ph.D and Dr. Ivy Helman, Ph.D.
- published by Gender and Research, 2023 (vol,. 24), No. 2, Available on:
Czech Teacher’s Attitudes Towards LGBT+ Students
- authors Smetáčková, I., Pavlík, P., Simons, J.
- published by Pedagogika, 72(4), 491-510, 2022
Queer Encounters with Communist Power: Non-Heterosexual Lives and the State in Czechoslovakia, 1948–1989
- autor doc. Věra Sokolová, M.A. Ph.D.
- published by Karolinum, 2021. Prague, ISBN 978-80-246-4266-6.
Feminist Technoecologies: Reimagining Matters of Care and Sustainabilit
- edited by Lorenz-Meyer, D., P. Treusch, X. Liu.
- published by Routledge, New York, 2019
Choosing the right kindergarten: Parents’ reasoning about their ECEC choices in the context of the diversification of ECEC programs
- authors Kampichler, M., Dvořáčková, J., Jarkovská, J.
- published by Journal of Pedagogy 9 (2): 9–32, 2018
Gender and Generation
- anthology of research articles, inspired by the international conference Gender and Generation, organized by and held at the Department of Gender Studies FHS UK in Prague in March 2007.
- Introduction and edited by Mgr. Kateřina Kolářová, Ph.D. and Věra Sokolová, Ph.D.
- published by Litteraria Pragensis, thanks to the financial support of the JPD grant of EU, Prague 2007.
Relationships, Languages, Bodies: Texts from the Conference of Czech and Slovak Feminist Studies
- edited by PhDr. Libuse Heczkova, Ph.D. et al.
- published by Charles University in Prague, School of Humanities, thanks to the financial support of the Ford Foundation, Prague, 2007.
The Gender Studies Yearbook 05/06
- edited by Doc. PhDr. Blanka Knotková-Čapková, Ph.D.
- published by Ermat, thanks to the financial support of the JPD grant of EU, Prague, 2007.
The Gender Studies Yearbook 03/04
- edited by Doc. PhDr. Blanka Knotková-Čapková, Ph.D.
- published by Charles University in Prague, School of Humanities, thanks to the financial support of the Ford Foundation, in 2004 (ISBN 80-239-4451-7).
Claire M. Renzetti a Daniel J. Curran Ženy, muži a společnost
- authorized team translation from the English original Women, Men, and Society (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 4. ed., 1999).
- published by Charles University in Prague, School of Humanitiesthanks to the financial support of the Ford Foundation and Open Society Fund Praha, in 2003 (ISBN 80-246-0525-2).
A research project funded by the Czech Science Foundation (award no. GA403/09/1502), 2009-2011.
The research project conducts an interdisciplinary analysis of the main dimensions of the gender order in Czechoslovakia during the communist period. The main focus is on its so far under-researched symbolic level, which is here conceived as the plurality of discourses and discursive orders and their mutual relations. The project covers the entire communist period, while an important part of the research is the identification of canonical texts and texts that suggest discursive shifts and turning points in the overall gender discourse. The aim is to outline the discursive picture of gender, emphasising its plurality, complexity and dynamics throughout the period. The subjects of analysis will be expert discourses, intellectual elites discourses and selected media texts. This will be supplemented with analyses of institutional and personal levels of the gender order manifest in semi-structured interviews conducted by the members of the research team as well as in extant archival interview material.
Research team:
Hana Havelková, Ph.D., Head of the Project
Petra Klvačová, Ph.D.
Jan Matonoha, M.Phil., Ph.D.
Doc. Libora Oates-Indruchová, Ph.D.
Ivan Vodochodský, Ph.D.
Cooperating Researchers:
Marie Černá, Ph.D.
JUDr. Barbara Havelková, LL.M.
Petr Roubal, Ph.D.
Věra Sokolová, Ph.D.
Kateřina Zábrodská, Ph.D.
Gender Studies Program
Charles University
Pátkova 2137/5
182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň
Czech Republic
The Secretary of the Study Program
RNDr. Mgr. Olga Kurtinová, Ph.D.
tel. +420 224 271 451