• GS Team
  • doc. Věra Sokolová, M. A., Ph.D.

doc. Věra Sokolová, M. A., Ph.D.

  • Office: 2.40

  • e-mail: vera.sokolova@fhs.cuni.cz

  • tel.: 224 271 451

* Associate Professor of History, School of Humanities, Charles University

* Guarantor of M.A. Program in Gender Studies, School of Humanities, Charles University

* Board Member, Cooperatio in Sociology and Applied Social Sciences: Gender Studies, Charles University

* Vice-Chair, Academic Senate, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University

* Vice-Chair, Working Group on Equality and Diversity, Coimbra Group

* Consultant for Equal Opportunities, Rectorate, Charles University




A List of Current Courses



Contemporary history; constructions of memorial landscapes; collective memory and oral history; violence and trauma in public space; history of eugenics and stratified reproduction; comparative history of sexuality; theory of identities; spatial creativity


Doc., Habilitation in History, 2014

Pardubice University, School of Philosophy, Pardubice, Czech Republic

Ph.D., History, 2002

University of Washington, Seattle

M.A., History, 1996

University of Washington, Seattle

B.A., History, 1994 (Summa cum Laude)

California State University, Sacramento

Current Research Project

Elisabeth List Research Fellowship for Everyday Creativity in (Post)Socialism, Universität Graz, 2022–2023. Research Project: „Spatial Creativity and Intersectional Analysis of Memorial Landscapes of Trauma and Violence in Central Europe.“

A List of Selected Publications


Sokolova, V. 2021. Queer Encounters with Communist Power: Non-Heterosexual Lives and the State in Czechoslovakia, 1948–1989. Prague: Karolinum.

Sokolova, V., Kobova, L. eds. 2019. Odvaha nesouhlasit: feministické myšlení Hany Havelkové a jeho reflexe [The Courage to Disagree: The Feminist Thought of Hana Havelkova and Its Reflections]. Prague: FHS UK.

Sokolova, V., 2008. Cultural Politics of Ethnicity: Discourses on the Roma in Communist Czechoslovakia. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag.

Sokolova, V., Kolarova, K. eds. 2007. Gender and Generation: Interdisciplinary Intersections and Perspectives. Prague: Litteraria Pragensia.

Research Journal Articles and Book Chapters (last ten years)

Smith, M. L., Sokolova, V. 2021. “Gender Gaps in Educational Pathways in the Czech Republic”, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 42/4: 520–543.

Sokolova, V. 2021. “Imagine Being a Dad!: Parental Desires and Reproductive Strategies of Gay Men in the Czech Republic”. In Creative Families: Gender and Technologies of Everyday Life, eds. By J. Mikats, S. Kink-Hampersberger and L. Oates-Indruchova. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sokolova, V., Oates-Indruchova, L. 2021. “Eine feministische Brucke zwischen Ost und West.“ L’Homme: Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft, 32/2, 137–139.

Sokolova, V., Oates-Indruchova, L. 2021. “Who is Afraid of Feminist Thought?” Aspasia: The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History, Volume 15, 2021: 208–212.

Sokolova, V. 2019. “Feminismus jako metoda” [Feminism as a Method]. In Odvaha nesouhlasit: feministické myšlení Hany Havelkové a jeho reflexe, eds. by V. Sokolová and L. Kobová. Prague: FHS UK. Pp. 13–25.

Sokolova, V. 2015. “Duhový život pod rudou hvězdou: Státní přístup k homosexualitě a neheterosexuální životy v normalizačním Československu“. In Vyvlastněný hlas: Proměny genderové kultury české společnosti v letech 1948–1989, eds. by H. Havelkova and L. Oates-Indruchova. Prague: SLON. Pp. 243–285.

Sokolova, V. 2014. "State Approaches to Homosexuality and Non-Heterosexual Lives in Czechoslovakia during State Socialism". In The Politics of Gender Culture under State Socialism, eds. by H. Havelkova and L. Oates-Indruchova. London and New York: Routledge. Pp. 82–109.

Sokolova, V., Fojtova, S. 2013. "Strategies of Inclusion and Shifting Attitudes towards Visibility in the Gay, Lesbian, and Queer Discourse in the Czech Republic after 1989." In Queer Visibility in Post-socialist Cultures, eds. by Narcisz Fejes and Andrea P. Balogh. Chicago and Bristol: Intellect Books. Pp. 105–129.

Sokolova, V. 2013. “Otec, otec a dítě: Gay muži a rodičovství.“ In Himl P., Seidl J., Řídký J., Kolářová K., Wintr J., Sloboda Z., Sokolová V., Dufka J., Nozar L., Ciprová K., Cornwall M., Schindler F., Hall T. "Miluji tvory svého pohlaví": Homosexualita v dějinách a společnosti českých zemí. Praha: Argo.

Sokolova, V. 2012. "Rainbow Mosaic: Czechoslovak Sexology and "Gay" and "Lesbian" Oral History in Communist Czechoslovakia." Gender and Research, 2012/13:2, 28–40.

A List of Selected Fellowships, Grants and Awards

* Elisabeth List Research Fellowship for Everyday Creativity in (Post)Socialism, Universität Graz, 1. 1. 2022 – 28. 2. 2023. Research Project: „Spatial Creativity and Intersectional Analysis of Memorial Landscapes of Trauma and Violence in Central Europe.“

* Progres Q20 Society and Culture research grant FHS UK. Project: Commemorative Spatial Practices and Memorial Spaces of WWII in Gendered Perspective.

* Progres Q20 Society and Culture research grant FHS UK for monograph Queer Encounters with Power, 2018–2020

* BASEES Women’s Forum Prize 2015 for The Politics of Gender Culture under State Socialism (author of one of the chapters in the book)

* GAČR Grant GA 403/09/1502 “Transformations of Gender Culture in Czechoslovakia 1948–1989”, (Research Team member), 2012–2015

* Ford Foundation Developmental Grant for the Institutionalization of Gender Studies at Charles University in Prague, 2000–2006 (Grant Author and Coordinator)

Other Academic and Professional Activities

– Consultant for Equal Opportunities, Rectorate, Charles University (2021–present)

– Vice-Chair of Academic Senate FHS UK (2021–present)

Board Member, Cooperatio in Sociology and Applied Social Sciences: Gender Studies (2021–present)

– Vice-Chair, Working Group on Equality and Diversity, Coimbra Group (2020–present)

– Guarantor of M.A. Program in Gender Studies, FHS UK (2014–present)

– Board Member, Progres Q20 Society and Culture, FHS UK (2017–2021)

– Head of Department of Gender Studies, FHS UK (2005-2012, 2014–2020)

– Board member, Scientific Board of Society for Queer Memory (2013–2020)

– Committee for Sexual Minorities, Government of the Czech Republic, member (2007–2015)

– Editorial Board member, Gender and Research (2008–2015)

– Editorial Board member, Urban People/Lidé Města (2004–2007)

– COHA – Czech Association of Oral History, member (2007–present)

– American Historical Association, member (1999–present)

– Association of Women in Slavic Studies, member (1999–present)

University Teaching Experience


Associate Professor of History and Chair, Department of Gender Studies

Charles University, Faculty of Humanities, Prague, Czech Republic


Assistant Professor of History

Charles University, Faculty of Philosophy, Prague, Czech Republic

Fall Semester 2003

Visiting Assistant Professor

FAMU, Center for Audiovisual Studies, Prague, Czech Republic

Fall Semester 2002

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Summer Semester 2001

Visiting Lecturer, Department of History

Universita di Pisa, Italy

Last change: March 23, 2022 22:20 
Getting to us


Gender Studies Program

Faculty of Humanities

Charles University

Pátkova 2137/5

182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň

Czech Republic

The Secretary of the Study Program

RNDr. Mgr. Olga Kurtinová, Ph.D.

tel. +420 224 271 451

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