Schedule of the Academic Year 2024/2025
A lot of useful information about the study agenda is also available at the Faculty webpage in the section "STUDENTS".
Preliminary couse schedule for Summer Semester 2024/2025
Attention! Preliminary schedule for summer semester has been updated - new course of Prof. Filipowicz YMGS656 Contemporary Theories of Masculinities on Thursday 11:30.
Course schedule for Winter Semeter 2024/2025
Schedule of the Academic Year 2024/2025
Key dates for the academic year 2024/2025:
Classes during the winter semester: 1. 10. 2024 – 10. 1. 2025
Examination period in the winter semester: 13. 1. – 14. 2. 2025
Christmas break: 23. 12. 2024 – 3. 1. 2025
Classes during the summer semester: 24. 2. 2025 – 25. 5. 2025
Examination period in the summer semester: 26. 5. – 12. 9. 2025
Summer holidays: 1. 7. – 31. 8. 2025 (the examination period is interrupted on this date)
Course registration period (for students of FH CU):
Winter semester:
Phase 1: 18. 9. 2024 from 8:00 - 18. 9. 2024 until 20:00
Phase 2: 19. 9. 2024 from 10:00 - 13. 10. 2024 until 23:59
Summer semester:
Phase 1: 4. 2. 2025 from 8:00 - 4. 2. 2025 until 20:00
Phase 2: 5. 2. 2025 from 10:00 - 9. 3. 2025 until 23:59
Deadlines for the submission of the thesis and the binding application for the state examination in 2025:
January 7, May 5, June 27
A number of study requirements are necessary to follow in order to successfully finish your study:
The study programme is designed to take 2 years (4 semesters). However, students have up to five years from their official admission to to finish their studies.
A minimum of 120 ECTS credits is required.
All mandatory courses must be completed. Ideally, they are to be completed by the end of the academic year in which they were begun. However, it is possible to delay their competition for up to one year. If the student fails to complete their mandatory courses after the additional year of study, this is reason for the University to terminate their studies.
Individual study plan is the sole exception to this rule. ISP is only granted on special grounds and upon request at the beginning of each semester.
A minimum of 50 ECTS is necessary to proceed with the study from the first year to the second year. The limit to pass from the second year to the third is 100 ECTS.
At the beginning of the academic year 2020/2021, a new version of the Gender studies study plan comes into effect. The students that have begun their studies under the new version must follow the conditions of the new study plan. The students that have begun their studies under the previous version will finish their studies according to the conditions of the previous study plan.
There are three categories of courses - compulsory courses, elective courses, and optional courses. You can register for elective and optional courses via SIS. Compulsory courses are registered for you by your study program secretary at the beginning of the academic year. Compulsory and electives courses are from the Gender Study program, the optional courses can be any course from the Faculty of Humanities or from the other faculties of the Charles University if the requirements for the registration of the course are fulfilled (e.g. pre-requisity). More information about course registration is availabe here.
"new version"
Mandatory courses |
72 ECTS |
Elective courses |
min 36 ECTS |
Final examination |
0 |
Diploma Thesis Defense |
0 |
Total: |
120 ECTS |
Note: 72 + 36 = 108.....12 ECTS max. for optional courses
Mandatory courses: I. semester |
The History of Feminist Thinking |
4 |
Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism |
4 |
Epistemology of Science |
4 |
Methodology in Social Sciences |
4 |
Interpretation of Philosophical Texts |
4 |
Argumentation and Academic Discourse |
4 |
Mandatory courses: II. semester |
Comparative History of Sexuality |
4 |
Feminist Cultural Studies |
4 |
Politics of Identity: Theory and Criticism |
4 |
Social Structures and Institutions |
4 |
Intersectionality: Theory and Methods |
4 |
Diploma Seminar I - Concept |
4 |
Total Number of Credits for Mandatory Courses for the First Year of Study |
48 |
Mandatory courses: III. semester |
Comparative Gender in Global Perspective |
4 |
Sociology of Medicine and Gender Aspects of Health |
4 |
Diploma Seminar II - Research |
4 |
Mandatory courses: IV. semester |
Gender in Theory and Practice: Applied Gender Theory |
4 |
Diploma Seminar III - Writing |
8 |
Final State Exams |
0 |
Diploma Thesis |
0 |
Total Number of Credits for Mandatory Courses for the Second Year of Study |
24 |
Total Number of Credits for all Mandatory Courses |
72 ECTS |
Apart from the mandatory courses, a student must also obtain 48 ECTS in order to attain a total of 120 credits necessary to successfully complete the study. From 48 ECTS max 12 ECTS can be for optional courses, the rest is for elective courese that are offered by Gender Study program.
The standard duration of study is 2 years. A standard number of credits to be completed each semester is thus 30 ECTS.
A minimum of 50 credits is required to proceed to the second year of study. A minimum of 100 credits is required to proceed to the third year of study. In case this condition is not met, the student is dismissed.
A complete list of courses taught by Gender Study programe is to be found in the Student Information System (SIS).
All the classes are taught in the Faculty building in Trója – Pátkova 2137/5, 182 00 Prague 8.
Gender Studies classrooms are 2.41 and 2.42. They are right next to the teachers´ and secretary´s offices (2.40 and 2.39).
If necessary the lectures will be moved to the MS Teams online platform. In such a case, all students will be informed as much beforehand as possible.
All the information on working with MS Teams is to be found here.
MS Teams: Logging in and Setting
Each time a modification in your MS Teams takes place (joining a team, leaving a team, receiving an invitation for a scheduled videoconference, documents uploaded...), you will be notified either through a desktop notification (in case you have MS Teams installed in your device) or through an e-mail notification. The e-mail notifications are sent to your e-mail box automatically, generated by the University in your MS Office account. To forward them to your everyday mailbox, please see the manual above.
In case of any technical difficulties, please contact the teacher of the course or Faculty´s IT Department.
The final examination actually consists of two parts – the diploma thesis defense and the oral exams, also called "final (state) exams".
Please bear in mind, that you need to first take the oral exams and only after the successful oral state exams you can proceed to completition of the diploma thesis defense. You can do this within one semester or split it – i.e. it is completely possible to take oral exams in June and do the defense in September.
Structure of the exams, thematic areas and questions:
You need to first register for the exams in SIS. The approximate dates of final exams are to be found online in the Faculty´s schedule of the academic year. Please note, that you can attend the oral state exams only if you have completed the required 120 ECTS, which must be composed of the credits from all the mandatory courses (72 ECTS) and at least 36 ECTS from elective courses. You must have completed all Diploma Seminars! The study control is to be done through SIS in the "study control" section within your profile.
There, either the exact or approximate day of the exam is indicated (ex. either June 13 or June 11–13). This is because the final date together with the hour is known only once the committee has been established. Once it is established you will receive an e-mail invitation (please open the link in the email!).
Always come one hour before the actual oral exams takes place: ex. if you are invited for 11am, come before 10am. It is also necessary to bring with you the registration for the exams that is generated from SIS (main menu – final exams – application for state examination).
This is because, as follows from the structure of the exams, you first need to draw from amongst the official thematic areas and their respective questions. You have one hour to prepare your answers (no electronic devices or study material is allowed during the preparation!) and then you are asked to present your answers in front of the committee, which is the core of the oral examination. The oral examination takes about an hour.
If you pass oral exams and defend your thesis successfully, your study is completed. Official completion takes a couple of days due to the administration process it requires. When the administration process is closed, you can generate a certificate of completion of your study in SIS ("Personal data" -> "Print confirmation"). In a graduation ceremony, the student is receiving a diploma.
A diploma thesis (referred to as DT from here) serves to prove that a student fulfilled all the requirements of independent work on a specific research problem, i.e. the student has all the competency to clearly formulate research topic or questions, choose a suitable methodolody, perform their own research, analyse and interpret results of the research and present them in accordance with academic standards, and to work with available sources and given citation norms.
At the beginning of the third semester all students are registered in the Diploma Seminar II course by the Secretary. The aim of this diploma seminar (remember that all of the diploma seminars are mandatory) is to prepare the students methodologically for the formulation of research project and the preparations of the diploma thesis.
It is necessary to respect the following instructions and deadlines:
Choose and approach one of the teachers of the GS program with whom you would like to work on the thesis by November 30.
- When considering a tutor, think about their specialisation and the topic of your DT, but also the preferred methodology and potential sources for your research
- Please take into account that the tutor you have chosen might be “fully booked” and in that case you will have to work with somebody else instead…
- If you would like to work with a tutor outside of the GS program, you need to discuss it first with the Head of the Gender Stuies programe
- Not only does the tutorship have to be consulted, but it also needs to be confirmed by the given teacher!
The diploma thesis must be registered with the Secretary by January 31.
- Please, fill in all the necessary information in the registration form, including a short abstract. All the information in this official form must be consulted with, confirmed and signed by your tutor.
- The physical copy of the signed form must be submitted to the Secretary. An electronic version (in Word!) is to be sent by e-mail to her.
- It is possible to make minor changes in the name of the thesis, of the tutor and even of the abstract provided that all is previously consulted with and confirmed by both the tutor and the secretary.
In case of any questions please contact the secretary Dr. Olga Kurtinová, by e-mail: .
1. First, (the same holds for the registration for the oral state exam) check whether you have completed the required 120 ECTS, which must be composed of the credits from all the mandatory courses (72 ECTS) and at least 36 ECT from elective courses. The study control is to be done through SIS in the "study control" section within your profile.
2. Then have a close look at the diploma thesis requirements. The recommended length of the text is 80–120 pages (page = 260 words/1 800 characters including spaces). You can use any citation style, just make sure you stick to it throughout the whole text.
3. The deadlines for online thesis submission are published in the schedule of the current academic year and available at the Faculty webpage and above.
In case of any questions please contact the secretary Dr. Olga Kurtinová, by e-mail:
4. In order to submit the thesis properly and duly it is necesary to:
upload the electronic version of the thesis in SIS by midnight of the deadline (i.e. 23:59) in .pdf/A format. It must be identical with the version that goes to the print. English abstract (again, in .pdf/A format) is to be submitted separately. SIS only accepts .pdf/A format, so make sure that the thesis is in this format and only then proceed to uploading it. Please note that the uploading and system control can take several minutes – do not leave it to the last minute! Click on the control of plagiarism in SIS, the result of the control will be saved in the system. The thesis is considered to be submitted completely only when both the electronic and printed version are submitted, and the two are identical.
For the details on how to upload the thesis in SIS, please see the process here.
There are couple of ways to convert your .pdf to .pdf/A format:
1. In MS Word, click on "File", "Save as" and choose "Save as a type". From the menu choose " pdf/A". In case this option is not available, choose "pdf" and then click on "options" and tick the "compatible with ISO 19005-1 (pdf/A) option.
2. There are many pages on the internet that enable you to convert from pdf to pdf/A for free.
3. For further information please click here.
register for the defense in SIS in Exam dates section. In this section you are supposed to print out the automatically generated application form for the thesis defense. Please print it out, sign it and submit together with the thesis (SIS – Main Menu – Final Exams).
submit one print of the thesis in hardcover (to be archived by the GS program) to the secretary of the GS program. Please arrange the date of submission of the physical copy of the thesis and the printed application form for the defence (from SIS) with the secretary of the GS program in advance:
An approximate date of your DT defense depends on when you submitted the thesis. The general rule of thumb is: if you submit in May, expect to defend in June – if you submit in June, expect to defend in September.
Around the date of DT submission you need to register in SIS for the DT defense (SIS – Home – Final Exams). There, either the exact or approximate day of the exam is indicated (ex. either June 13 or June 11–13). This is because the final date together with the hour is known only once the committee has been established. Once it is established you will receive an official invitation by e-mail (please open the link in the email!).
If you have only the thesis defense in the given date, then for the thesis defense then please come at least 15 minutes in advanced of the scheduled time in the invitation letter.
Not later than three days before the actual defense takes place the tutor´s and opponent´s reports will be uploaded to SIS and thus made available for you. The reports evaluate the quality of your thesis and play a key role in your diploma thesis defense. During the defense, you should present a short summary of your diploma thesis (research questions, methodology, sources, main theses and conclusions) for around 10 minutes. There is no need to prepare a powerpoint presentation, but you can have written notes with you and use them. After this introductory presentation of the DT, both reports are read and the student then has space to react to the reports, answer questions articulated both in the reports and by the committee. Finally, a general discussion about the DT with the committee is the last part of the defence.
The committee is composed of five members – the tutor, the opponent and three more members (some of whom may not come from the Gender Studies program).
The defense takes approximately one hour. If you defend your thesis and pass oral exams successfully, your study is completed. Official completion takes a couple of days due to the administration process it requires. When the administration process is closed, you can generate a certificate of completion of your study in SIS ("Personal data" -> "Print confirmation"). In a graduation ceremony, the student is receiving a diploma.
Gender Studies Program
Charles University
Pátkova 2137/5
182 00 Praha 8 - Libeň
Czech Republic
The Secretary of the Study Program
RNDr. Mgr. Olga Kurtinová, Ph.D.
tel. +420 224 271 451